We Tinker! You Play!
New Cavern Set Pricing!

The Cavern Sets are Hand Crafted, Hand-painted Fantasy Tabletop Terrain for your Role Playing Campaigns! The Quantity Discount Pricing is designed for you to pick and choose the elements you want on your Table Top.
The Cavern Set was designed to be versatile. The Wall pieces are separate to allow you to move them on the tiles to configure rooms of different sizes. Sometimes you want a large room. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you want a corridor. Sometimes you want a maze. Sometimes you want lots of small rooms. Sometimes you want a passageway. Other Modular sets don't allow you the versatility the Goblin Tinker's Cavern Set allows you. It's highly replay-able. It's highly configurable. It IS Versatile. You don't need to buy more expansions to make it more dynamic. It was designed to be dynamic.
The Cavern Set boasts 208 square inches of playable space. It is designed to be purchased in multiple quantities for larger areas affordably. Anyone who has priced out High Quality, detailed terrain that is still versatile know's their options are limited. One set is good. Two are always better. Three might just be your sweet spot. It's too hard for me to guess what you want, but what I DO know is you want to have more for less. Thats why I've created this Cavern Set and made it available in large quantities painted, but more importantly unpainted. The Goblin Tinker knows that most of his patrons LOVE his painted terrain & buildings, but in an offering this size, da'Boss felt there needed to be a happy medium between the more for less ethic. So The Goblin Tinker is offering Cavern Sets unpainted as well as painted. This offers you a significant discount which da'Boss is happy to pass on. The Goblin Tinker is also happy to paint them as well. I really enjoy painting. It's fun! It is a joy to watch the Cavern Tiles and Walls jump to life with the different shades as it's painted. I have also attempted to design the painting prices to be reasonable. Despite that I've discovered that the high standards of what looks good enough to ship out of the workshop make it appear unreasonable. Each piece is touched a minimum of 5-6 times as they are painted. It's just not possible to reduce the labor to less than that and expect anyone to be satisfied. If I'm not satisfied...it doesn't ship. Hence the compromise in offering unpainted AND painted pricing. You decide what you value more. The playable space, or the quality of painting. I've also detailed finishing touches for those of you who are as demanding as da'Boss of their painted terrain.
The Goblin Tinker values quality, durability, re-usability and craftsmanship. Our pieces are hand crafted. The Goblin Tinker uses a high grade hydrostone material to cast each piece. Most pieces are solid cast, and require a no assembly. This is not a kit. Any assembly will be performed by da'Boss's goblin lackeys prior to shipping.
To See Pictures of the Cavern Set pieces Click HERE!
Cavern Set Details:
The Unpainted Base Cavern Set includes 21 Cavern Tiles, 26 Cavern & Rock Walls, and 53 Accessories! (101 Total Pieces)
Cavern Tiles (21 Pieces & 208 Square Inches)
9 - 2x2 Tiles 1/2" Deep
4 - 4x4 Tiles 1/2" Deep
2 - 6x6 Tiles 1/2" Deep
1 4x4 Raised Tile 1 & 1/4" Deep
5 - 2x2 Raised Tiles 1 & 1/4" Deep
Cavern & Rock Walls (26 Pieces & 50" of Walls)
3 - 1" Cavern Stalagmite Walls
2 - 2" Cavern Walls w pools.
2 - 2" Cavern Walls with 2 Stalagmites
2 - 2" Cavern Walls with Tall Stalagmite
2 - 2" Cavern Corner Pieces
1 - 1" Cavern Wall piece.
1 - 3" Rock Wall Arch and Door
4 - 2"x2" Rock Wall Corners
2 - 3" Rock Walls
3 - 2" Rock Walls
4 - 1/2" Ruined Stone Columns
Accessories (54 Pieces)
5 Steps
1 - 3" wide step
1 - 2 3/4 inch wide step
1 - 1 3/4" wide step
1 - 2 3/8ths " wide step
-1 3&1/4" corner rounding stair
2 - 1" Cavern Wood Doors
2 - 1 & 3/4" Cavern Arch Wood Doors
2 small Crystals
2 Skulls
3 Barrels
3 Bags
3 Coin Piles
3 Sack Piles
2 Single Sacks
1 - 2 1/2" Rose Dais
1- 2 1/2" Oval half Step
1 large crystal
1 wide crate
3 1/2" square crates 4 small stalagmites
2 more small stalagmites
1 Round chest
9 Broken Columns(matches w/rock walls)
3 stone slabs
3 skulls (they go on the stone slabs)
2 skull piles