Ok folks. This has been an enormous production So this will be a rather long post about some of the details of this endeavor.
First, this Cavern Set has been playtested and Its playtesting has led me to make some changes and file those away for future changes. Nothing dramatic, but it’s helpful to make product decisions.
So the details of this is there are 5 main parts to the core set.
Cavern walls
Rock walls
Fieldstone Castles
The base set comes with 2 6x6 inch tiles. The one of those tiles has a small water feature in the center. the other is just cavern floor tiles.

There are Four 4x4 tiles. 2 of them include small water features.

There are Nine 2x2 tiles. All Cavern tiles.

The last piece is a new piece which I’ve blogged about already; the tall tiles to add a little more depth to the playing field. This includes one 4x4 tile And Five 2x2 tiles.

The tiles alone are 20 pieces. From play-testing I recommend using 2 sets to have a modest amount of play area. The more the better. I plan on offering sets in 500 sq inches and 1000 sq inches as well as smaller offerings.
Cavern Walls
The cavern walls set were pieces I wanted to make yeeeeaaars ago. It came out really well. I’m tickled with them.
This set of molds includes Twelve pieces. Three 1x1 inch stalagmites, one small 1x1 rock wall, two corners, and 6 walls. Each of the six walls are of 3 types. One includes a small pool, another has two peaks, the last has a stalagmite feature in the front. There are two of each wall types. Two doors come included with this set, but the doors are absent in the picture. At the moment. *grin*
For the pictured set, I cast and painted one set of cavern walls.

Rock Walls
This piece of the core offering includes 23 pieces. Two 3 inch walls, Three 2 inch walls, 4 corners, and one arch with a door. The remaining pieces are 4 Columns, and 9 Column tops.
The rock wall pieces are exactly the pieces I wanted to include in a cavern set. I love the columns on the ends of the walls, and I love the design of the pieces overall.

Fieldstone Castle Pieces
This part is kind of an extra. It doesnt really have a cavern motif, BUT I was inspired by the use of these pieces in the game Gloomhaven and wanted to create them so they could be leveraged on the table top Willy nilly. I am glad I did. They look fantastic! I am eager to cast some more and tinker with how to paint them different ways To contrast with the caverns, or dare I say, above ground Terrain. Yup. That’s gonna happen.
The castle parts are 5 Towers, and 8 ruined Columns, and 4 fieldstone walls. The walls are three 3 inch and One 2 inch. And 2 Doors! A rectangular door and a curved door! I designed the castle mold To be cast twice to provide enough towers to make a modest castle size. Of course as with any of these ‘sets’ the molds for them can be cast many times providing any combination of pieces. The more the better. RIGHT?! I’m giving you permission to have as many as you want.
These castle pieces have a lot of versatility. I debated even including them as part of the cavern set, but relented. They just look fantastic and I can’t wait to see how they are received.

The Accessories
Lastly, but necessarily are the accessories. The important part of this piece of the set is that the tall tiles and the regular tiles needed a set of steps to ascend from the short floors to the taller walls. So I’ve included a set of Five steps within the rest of the accessories in the mold. There are a plethora of pieces in this mold. 38 or so.
What you should expect to receive in this part of the set; five cavern steps. One rose cavern raised dais, one flat oval raised floor piece, one small step, 4 piles of bags, one solo bag, 2 stone monoliths. 2 wooden doors, 3 barrels, 2 square crates, one rectangular crate, one chest. (This is my favorite chest) 2 skulk piles, one small skull, and one tiny skull, 3 stalagmite placables and one slightly larger stalagmite placable, two bags of coins or food, and 4 coin piles, and 3 crystal pieces. Whew!

The doors are all pictures here, but will come with the cavern or castle pieces.

Here are the steps and placables that come with the Accessories!
This gallery is of the pieces in my photo box.
This gallery is of the pieces I used for our halloween play-testing session!!
As you can see this was a lot of work. pleasurable work, of course.
This was painted in a swiss chocolate brown base, with pumpkin, brown-red, and tan highlights, and an olive green for the cavern sections as well, with a light tan drybrush and then black-washed to being out the detail. I took my time painting this first set to figure out the color scheme and I plan on playing with a different base for some options, but for now this is it’s color scheme. A 5-6 color Scheme. That is a LOT! *grin*
The water sections are slathered with an acrylic gloss. They look right proper!
Now to the brass tacks. Pricing.
I will be offering this set as pictured for sale, unpainted or painted. The set pictured is *ahem* mine. *grin* Due to the size of this set they will be made to order. It takes approx 1 full week to paint. It takes approx 2-3 days to cast and another 2-3 days to dry. It will be made with Hydrostone. requests for Casting with merlins magic will also be taken but will come at an 80$ markup to cover the cost of the boutique material. *grin*
The 115 piece unpainted set will be offered cast and flashed at $175 with an approx 1 week to shipping. Expect shipping to be close to 75-100$ This set will include floor tiles cast twice with a single cast of each other mold in the set Which is approx 115 pieces. This is 380 sq inches of playable floor tiles with a full compliment of walls, doors and accessories for 175$ plus shipping To your front door. frankly its less than 50 cents a playable square inch. And if you’ve ever read my blog you know you can’t buy stuff from those miserly dwarves for much less than 2$ a square inch, or 4$ for painted terrain. Eh? ‘Nuff said?
Ok, I want to sell unpainted sets. Let me make that clear. Its more productive. But I will paint sets as well.
For now, I’m planning on charging $400 plus shipping for the painted set above. This makes each square inch about ~1$. which is just insane. Its inexpensive. It’s more complicated than painting simple fieldstone dungeons which I also sell on the cheap. But expect an approx two week period before delivery.
Oh, I almost forgot! I did all this work to have this ready BEFORE the Christmas season. *ahem* But, alas there are only really 7 weeks in the season, so if you want to gift this to yourself or someone else…. Get your order in quickly, I’ll only have enough cycles for the very first orders. And who knows how long shipping will take this season, eh? *grumble*
Orders can be placed on this website. Just look for this item on my website shop!! :)
This is da’Boss signing off. *grin*
The Goblin Tinker
We Tinker! You Play!
